elisabeth andrée

about crochet


renée’s sofa blanket

my cousin renée and i are the two girls in the family with the boy’s names (renée and andrée), well we are now adult women of course. she herself is a creative person and lately i noticed that she is interested in recycling jeans.

not so long ago, we were in a small shop in the hague and there was a large basket full of doilies, not vintage doilies but probably made by women who live in the nearby retirement home. i bought two to make bowls of, one for renée and one for me, but it did not happen. 


about a week ago i remembered that there were 12 balls denim colored acrylic yarn in my closet, waiting for a good project and see: a sofa blanket for renée.


a doily with pizzazz

it is a narrow blanket made of double crochets only until the yarn was on with just the right size to fit on a couch, adorned with one of the doilies and a wool white edge. the doily i have sewn onto the blanket with pastel colored yarn and also some stitches in neon colors to give it a bit more pizzazz.

first i wanted to sew the doily onto the blanket with white thread, but i remembered the post on tiff’s dottie angel and i found the embroidery stitches with colored yarn a prettier option.

doily with embroidery stitches on renée’s sofa blanket. the blanket and the doily i washed separately, the doily i then ironed while it was still damp and only then sewn onto the blanket.


enjoy renée!


have a lovely weekend everyone and until next time!


ps. i join these great parties:


sofa blanket adorned with a doily and embroidery stitches


yellow blanket is ready

the blanket for on the couch is ready, long and narrow as i had in mind. and warm….
the quality of the pictures is not so good again because of the gray weather, sorry about that. 
i’m curious about your comments, at least if you have time to look and to write during these busy times. 



this is my last post of this year, in 2013 i hope to see you again.
i wish you a very pleasant time, with lots of fun and good conversations or the tranquility you long for. 
see you in a couple of weeks and until then, take good care of yourself and each other!




yellow blanket

hello, nice to see you again!


while many others are busy with creating a variety of christmas things and gifts, i have continued working on my new blanket. i have many rows crocheted and pulled out again, especially the orange and gray parts. it was a long search for stitch patterns that i liked and then found that i was short of the gray yarn. so it was necessary to order a few extra balls and wait for the delivery man.

long and narrow

it will be a narrow blanket, long and wide enough to lie under on the couch and small enough to wrap around you.

below you can see a few pictures, i’m curious what you think of it.

to be continued…

more creative projects you can see here:
hope you have a lovely and creative week!