elisabeth andrée

about crochet

crochet art project for marinke and a break


how good to see you again!

this will be my last blogpost…..  you can find more info at the bottom of this post.

crochet art project

first the news about marinke and the crochet art project organized by kathryn vercillo of crochetconcupiscence.com. below an excerpt from her newsletter of 4 july.


“you’ve likely already heard the sad news that crochet designer marinke “wink” slump of a creative being lost her life to suicide last week.

in the aftermath of hearing the news, i felt like i needed to do something to deal with my own grief and bring our community together so i’ve created the mandalas for marinke crochet art project in wink’s honor.
this crochet project is intended to celebrate the amazing creativity that wink brought to the world with her crochet. hopefully her crochet patterns can keep inspiring the world for many years to come.”
more info

if you like to participate, all info about the project you can find via this linkinfo about wink’s patterns for 9 mandalas including links to the patterns you can find here.  


below pictures of my version of wink’s standard mandala but i gave it a twist with some surface crochet and a different edge. i wanted to create something that is basic with a flowery character and this is the result. yesterday i sent it to america.used yarn is a combination of phil coton 3 and catania with crochet hook size 3.5 mm. 

wink’s free pattern for the standard mandala you can find via
by the way, you can click on the photos to see them in a larger size.


and then something about myself

in february 2011 i started blogging to have a sort of task. i have health problems since 1992, but in 2011 it was definite that i could no longer work. therefore, blogging was and is important to me but about the last six months – because of my health – i managed less often to write a blog post. it all became a little too much for me. luckily i still manage to crochet, make photos and publish them on instagram and i try to keep doing that. there you can find the pictures of the projects i am currently working on and other things. if you like, here is the link to my instagram feed


i don’t close the door because maybe my health improves in the coming months and i’ll be back posting. in the autumn of this year i will tell you whether i’m going to stop permanently or start blogging again.


there are a few things that i promised to do (like writing a how to for making a foldover bag) but this time i have to say sorry i can’t keep my promise.


for everyone who came to my blog for a visit and even wrote one or more comments: thank you a thousand times! it meant and means a lot to me, perhaps more than you realize.


please keep creating, crocheting, knitting, sewing, sculpting, painting, writing and more and thereby make our world an even more beautiful place to live.

take care!

———-joining ginny’s yarn along at small things———-

47 thoughts on “crochet art project for marinke and a break

  1. Sorry to be so late in leaving a comment – sorry that your health is preventing you from writing regularly on your beautiful blog but that is okay. Your health comes first. Your stitching in your Mandala is so even and perfect. You have a talent for crochet so I am glad that you can still do that. If I had to choose between crochet or blogging, crochet would win every time!
    I do not use Instagram because my health barely allows me the energy and time for blogging – hence a late comment here – so I do not want to start another commitment. I trust Kathryn to share your best Instagram photos on Crochet Concupiscence so I can keep up with you there and on Ravelry.
    I do hope you can enjoy better health soon. Hugs to you Elisabeth

    • Thanks so much Jodie for writing me, I really appreciate it! Glad it is possible for you to visit Kathryn’s website and to see there so many crochet works.
      My best wishes for you and thank you again!

  2. Hoi Andrée,
    Sorry voor mijn trage reactie. Ik ben er zelf even tussenuit geweest. Ik moest het rustiger aan doen vanwege stressgerelateerde vermoeidheid. Dat gaat nu weer een beetje beter. (Het heeft niks met mijn gezondheid te maken, maar met omstandigheden.)

    Ik wens je het beste met je gezondheid. Ik hoop voor je dat je een evenwicht kunt vinden tussen dat wat je wilt doen en wat je kunt doen.
    Je website is een inspiratiebron en een bron van haaktechnische informatie. Maar ik begrijp dat het inspannend is om steeds weer blog posts te schrijven (vind ik zelf ook) en stress is nu eenmaal niet gezond.
    En via Instagram kun je nog steeds contact hebben met mensen en kunnen je volgers zien wat je maakt.
    Veel sterkte! Hartelijke groet, Estella

    • Hallo Estella,
      Fijn om van je te horen, ik had je inderdaad al een tijdje gemist. Het is lastig alle activiteiten, de moet-dingen en de wil-ik-graag-dingen, goed te doseren. Hoop dat ook jij daarin een balans vindt.
      Dank voor je aardige bericht en alle andere aardige berichten die je geschreven hebt. Altijd fijn om ze te lezen.

  3. Sad to hear about your health problems. Ik hoop dat het in de toekomst wat beter voor je gaat worden, groet Francien

  4. Sorry to read about your health problems and that they keep you from blogging. I sincerely hope your health will improve and you have good news this fall.
    Wishing you the best 😙

  5. Liebe Elisabeth,
    dankeschön, dass ich Dich und Deine wunderschönen Häkelarbeiten in den unendlichen Weiten gefunden habe, Dein Blog ist voller schöner Inspirationen.
    Ich schicke Dir sonnige Grüße und wünsche Dir viel Kraft und Zuversicht für die kommende Zeit, pass gut auf Dich auf.

    Alles Liebe für Dich
    Traudi aus dem Drosselgarten

    • Liebe Traudi,
      Hopefully you don’t mind me saying in English thank you a 1000 times for your sweet message. I really appreciate it! Thanks for visiting my blog and writing me.
      Wish you all the best!!!

  6. I’m feeling very sad …… Mostly because it’s your health problems that are forcing you to take this step, but also because I’m really going to miss reading and seeing your beautiful, unique and so creative work here. Wishing you the very best, but most of all significant improvement of your health situation. Very glad that we will all continue to see your gorgeous crochet on ig! Love, Marianne xx

    • Hello Marianne,
      Thank you for this and all the other very kind messages you’ve written me. You are a really supporting soul! Glad we have met on WordPress and we will keep communicating on and via Instagram.
      Thanks again!
      Have a great weekend!

  7. The very best to you Elizabeth, you will be missed. Take good care of your self and I hope you return with your beautiful creative spirit.

  8. ((HUG)) Thank you for your inspirations. I wish wonderful things for you.

  9. I am so sorry to hear of your health problems, Elisabeth. I hope there is a big improvement for you soon! Thank you for all your lovely work you have shared with us. I already enjoy following you on instagram. Take care. Xx

  10. Hello, I am new to blogging and have discovered your blog this evening! It’s a shame I discover you just as you are taking a break but your reasons are understandable. I wish you well. By the way, I was born in Zoetermeer in the 1970’s and lived there until I was nearly 2 before moving to England!! (my mother is Dutch , my father English).

    • Hello Eleonora,
      Thanks for visiting and your kind message! Wish you all the best too!
      What a coincidence that you were born and lived your first two years in Zoetermeer! 😊 Have a nice day and thanks again!

  11. Elisabeth, thank you for letting us know why you are taking a break from your blog. I follow many blogs and on some days, I can’t read them all. However, I never miss your posts since they are always full of inspiration and a “real” voice. Take care of yourself. I will keep you in my thoughts and visit you on Instagram. Thanks for the reminder about the Marinke project. What a beautiful to way to keep her memory alive.

    • Thank you for your very kind message, I really appreciate it!
      I agree with you that the project for Marinke is wonderful and I am glad I was able to make a small contribution.
      Thanks again and I wish you all the best!

  12. I hope your health improves so you can blog again but I’ll still be following you on instagram. I love your style of projects and find your work very inspiring 🙂

  13. I’ve just recently discovered you and your blog and now I am going to miss you! But, of course, I respect your decision. I’m glad to read that you will be sharing your creative pursuits through other channels. You are gifted, not only in what you make and how you refreshingly put colors together, but your style is inspiring. I’ve loved everything I’ve seen on your blog. In fact, I so enjoy your lovely crocheted creations, you may very well be what finally gets me over to intagram. :^) I hope good things for you, Elisabeth. You bring so much good to so many.

  14. What can I say what the others didn’t tell you? I’m sooo sorry to hear this news about you. Hope you will get well and come back again. I will “follow” you on Instagramm, you know, you are a great inspiration for me. All the best to you! Sabine.

    • Dearest Sabine, thank you so much for this and all the other comments you wrote. I will miss our “small talks” and I hope to meet you on IG so I can follow you there too!
      Thanks again and I wish you all the best!!

  15. I totally support your decision to take a break from your blog, maybe even forever. That’s totally okay. Many people are finding that blogging no longer fits in their lives in the same way but that they can keep sharing through other channels. I’m so glad that you’ll continue posting on Instagram as I love seeing your work and connecting with you there. So sorry that the health issues are tough right now. Make sure to take great care and stay in touch.

    Thanks, also, for sharing the Mandalas for Marinke project.

    HUGS. ❤

    • Dear Kathryn,
      Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog and to write me. It is nice to “meet” you daily on Instagram. Thanks for your support and kind words!
      Glad you approve my talk about your project for Marinke.

  16. Wishing you all the best and very much looking forward to seeing you back here again soon. Take care.

  17. I’m not a designer or blogger, but I am obsessed with all things crochet. Your blog has been inspiring, and you are amazingly generous. I hope this break is rejuvenating, and that your health improves. I also hope you take good care of yourself and know that your contributions to the fiber crafting world have helped many crocheters, who will miss you and hope for your health and well-being.

  18. I am so sorry to read about your health. You will be missed. Your crochet is beautiful!

  19. I am so sorry to hear this news. I have loved seeing all of your beautiful creations. God speed and get better so that you can once again brighten my days!

  20. I have always enjoyed reading your blog so much. I am not a designer or blogger or anything, just someone who really loves crochet…and I have really been grateful for your lovely patterns and clear explanations of how to do things- they have helped me a lot!! Good luck to you, and thank you very much!

  21. You are a great source of ‘cool’ in terms of colour, style and spirit. I hope life is kind and generous to you in every way, especially health and joy.

  22. Sending love and get well wishes. I’m glad you told us though. I would have wondered where/why you had gone. It’ll be good for you to take a break from blogging. The last thing you need is it to become another task to do when you need to be looking after yourself.
    Take care. Love, Lucie

    • Thanks so much dear Lucie! It is always a joy to hear from you! Do my best to keep following your blog, because you are a wonderful designer and creator. Although I don’t often write a comment on your website, I see and admire the things you make!
      Thanks again!

  23. I hope that your health will improve and that you’ll be back in blogland soon! I started to follow you on instagram because your work is such an inspiration and can’t thank you enough to have shared it despite your health problems! Get well soon and all the best! 💙💚💛💜