elisabeth andrée

about crochet


apricot bag

apricot bag

blue-and-black handbag

blue and black handbag

citron grocery bag
citron market bag

the doily-into-bag part 1
the doily-into-bag part 2

doily into bag

how to make a mesh bag

how to make a mesh bag

little pouch

pouch pattern

orange spider bag

orange spider bag


crochet small mesh shopper by elisabeth andrée


spiders and stripes bag

springbag by elisabeth andrée

storage bag with fishes

storage bag

(not really a tutorial but an explanation
about how to make a bag like this)

yellow bag

winter-woolly-white bag
scroll down the page

winter woolly white bag


4 thoughts on “bags

  1. hello I have seen one of your bags on Pinterest but unfortunately the pattern is no longer available. the bag is something called “rainbow tote”. have you got a pattern for that? thank you!

  2. Hello How can we get a pattern crochet of mini-square-little black-bag. this a very nice bag