elisabeth andrée

about crochet

WIP is still in progress


hello all, thanks for dropping by!

to those i have promised the tutorial for the spring bag, i have to slide the publication to next week. i have to do some boring but important administrative things and therefore i can not spend enough time and attention to writing the tutorial. i am sorry but i hope you will understand. 


my work in progress is still in progress. of the 7 lacy with dot squares that i had to make last week i now have to do 11. earlier this week i got an idea that is why l have to crochet some extra squares. the required yarn i already have, so i can keep crocheting the squares in the evenings in front of te tv. more about the extra squares in a future post.

a growing pile of lacy with dot squares

a growing pile of lacy with dot squares



one bag, two bags

the last few days it has been pleasantly warm weather and working on the blanket with acrylic yarn would not be ideal. i looked at my stash of cotton yarn and have chosen three colors of which i started to crochet a summer bag for myself. my wish: something with more than one color, but halfway it was too colorful for me and now i think the color combination is beautiful again. there is no pattern, i design the bag during the creative process. not everything i had/have in mind is successful and for those things i need to think of an alternative. to be continued….



how is/are your project(s)? 


this week i will again join:


see you!


7 thoughts on “WIP is still in progress

  1. Beautiful bags, love the green yarn.

  2. Love the colours of your bags – I am working on a chunky basket for my crochet wool – I am nearly finished 🙂 Thanks for popping by my blog.

  3. so good to look at the lovely colours of your works!!!!!! Refreshing!
    xxxxxx Ale

  4. Looking forward to seeing what you do with your lacy dot squares 🙂

  5. I love this pattern Andree and it was a toss between this and a single crochet block for something I am doing now. The only reason I went for the single crochet is because I bought Tweed on sale and I managed 5, 6 and 12 skeins each of 3 different colours and I was worried that the 12 would not be enough to create a fair size blanket as I would use the 5 for the centers and the 6 to edge all. I definitely want to use your pattern but will shop specifically for it. I am thinking of using all my scraps for the inner circles and just need to decide on a colour for the rest. I am leaning towards a seagreen or robin’s egg perhaps. I think that would make for a gorgeous Andree designed throw. Happy Hooking!!!

  6. Oh ja, ich mag deine Farben! Oh yes, I like your colours! 😉 Beautyful!

  7. Such colorful squares. And love the bags.